Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Little rays of Sunshine

I'm usually up at 5am or so year round.  It's not much of a bother in the spring, summer and fall because the sun rises early here in the Great White North.  In the winter it's a different story.  Right now it's 6:30am and it's still pitch black out.  For the first time in a couple of weeks I can see a few stars and actually got a glimpse of a clear moon when I awoke this morning.

I've got a large window in my living room and I love having my curtains open for the natural light, but this time of year that light is sparse.  For almost 2 weeks now there has been permanent cloud cover over most (if not all) of Montreal.  Yesterday though, I walked into my living room from my kitchen to find my 2 cats and 2 dogs spread like mayonnaise across my living room floor.

Moving ever so gingerly to my favorite knitting spot I sat quietly.  I didn't hit "unpause" on my Knitflix show right away.  I simply sipped my coffee and enjoyed the view from my window.  Tiny beams of sun glittering and dancing on the piles and drifts of blinding white snow covering the center median of my street.  Completely transfixed at how bright the sun could be, coveting every glimmer and staring intently at the definition the beams brought to every swirl and divot.

If everyone else could see life like I see those rays.  A bit of hope and beauty, if only lasting for a moment.  You don't realize how much you love something until you don't have it.  Even is it's "in the background".   I watch the sunrise almost every morning in the winter, but not every morning do I actually see the sun rise.  Clouds prevent it about 50% of the time, so when I get to see those beams peek into my windows I'm enthralled.  Those beams bring joy to my heart and soul like little else can.  My hooks move a bit faster, needles click a bit louder and I just get things done.

The winter "blahs" are a real thing and nothing takes them away like a bit of sun.  Mind you, I've got no interest in standing out in sub-zero temps or face planting in fresh fallen snow (watch a few of the "new" viral youtube videos), but I'm all for catching a few rays through a nice big window.  In the living room with the "big" computer or sitting in the breakfast nook with my coffee and tablet or laptop in front of the balcony doors, it's all about the sun.

With this renewed hope of light and warmth (even if it is "FAKE" sun with no heat at all) the countdown begins.  Once that thermometer hits 15 degrees, I'm on the balcony.  Knitting and crochet in hand, basking in the glory that is the sun.  Alright, that made me giggle, I'm the palest human to walk the earth, I live with a low level burn on my nose and upper chest year round.  I avoid direct sunlight like the plague.  I don't tan, I burn.  But I digress, face in the shadows (of course) and skin protected, I'm out there, basking, soaking up and enjoying it all.

Ahh, 7am, the sky is beginning to lighten.  Thank you for sticking around for my little thought session.  I'm off to see the sun make her morning appearance.  I'll tell her "Hello" from you.

Much love,

Oh yeah, I'm a guest blogger this week on my friend Gregory Patrick's page.  This is the guy who pulled me from my comfortable shadow zone and helped me shine the light on my words.  Stop in and say Hi and give him a read, he's got one hell of a story to tell.  Catch him here.  Look for him to do a guest spot on this blog soon.

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